Elaine Wolan Named 2020 Player of the Year

When Elaine Wolan arrived at The Turn® for the 15th Annual Join The Turn® Outing, she knew her day would be filled with the friendship and camaraderie.  Little did she know, that by the end of the day her email inbox would be filled with notes of congratulations after she was announced as the 2020 The Turn® Player of the Year.

“I was incredibly surprised,” said Elaine. “But at the same time, I was completely honored because I love The Turn® and all the people in it.”

Elaine joined The Turn® in January of 2014 through its Return To Golf® rehabilitation program, and her journey over the years has helped to inspire the long-term vision for organization.  She is a member who leads by example, participating in almost every single program offering at The Turn®, including weekly Return To Golf® therapy classes, yoga, member socials, art therapy and horticultural therapy which she enjoys as a Master Gardener.